Whether you’re a player, coach, umpire, fan or all of the above! England Netball's Big Netball Conversation survey is your opportunity to tell us what you love about the sport and what we can do to make it better for you.
In 2011, over 2000 people took part – we want to beat that this time round! Please tell all your friends and team-mates - the more responses we get the better.
Click here to begin the survey.
As a thank you we are offering 3 x £100 Amazon vouchers as a prize for those who complete the survey by the 15th June. Depending on how involved you are in the sport, it should take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.
Unfortunately, due to data protection laws only those aged 16 or over can take part. If you are the parent of a young netballer, we will be running a separate survey for parents and children as soon as this is available, we’ll add it onto this page. Click Here to view the England Netball Article.
In 2011, over 2000 people took part – we want to beat that this time round! Please tell all your friends and team-mates - the more responses we get the better.
Click here to begin the survey.
As a thank you we are offering 3 x £100 Amazon vouchers as a prize for those who complete the survey by the 15th June. Depending on how involved you are in the sport, it should take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.
Unfortunately, due to data protection laws only those aged 16 or over can take part. If you are the parent of a young netballer, we will be running a separate survey for parents and children as soon as this is available, we’ll add it onto this page. Click Here to view the England Netball Article.