It is a really exciting time for Netball coaching in England. With a recently expanded department, England Netball are about to embark on the development of a new long term plan for coaching.
Over the last five years, England Netball have focused on putting the player at the heart of everything we do. By understanding the different types of netballer accessing the game, we are able to tailor our offer to meet their motivations, needs and aspirations with the ultimate aim of keeping them playing for as long as possible.
The next stage of the ‘participant centred approach’ is to understand the motivations, needs and aspirations of our coaching workforce. We have spent time understanding the different types of coaching roles in England. Over the next six months we will undertake a wide-scale research project to fully investigate who our coaches are, where they are currently coaching, where they would like to coach and what they need to support them to be the best they can be. Based on our research findings, a plan will be formulated to enhance England Netball’s current offer and look at new ways to ensure we have the best coaches out there, providing the best possible netball experience for their participants.
Over the last five years, England Netball have focused on putting the player at the heart of everything we do. By understanding the different types of netballer accessing the game, we are able to tailor our offer to meet their motivations, needs and aspirations with the ultimate aim of keeping them playing for as long as possible.
The next stage of the ‘participant centred approach’ is to understand the motivations, needs and aspirations of our coaching workforce. We have spent time understanding the different types of coaching roles in England. Over the next six months we will undertake a wide-scale research project to fully investigate who our coaches are, where they are currently coaching, where they would like to coach and what they need to support them to be the best they can be. Based on our research findings, a plan will be formulated to enhance England Netball’s current offer and look at new ways to ensure we have the best coaches out there, providing the best possible netball experience for their participants.