UKCC Level 3
This course is aimed at experienced coaches and as such the following criteria must be achieved to apply for this course:
- Applicants must have a UKCC Level 2 or equivalent qualification to attend the course.
- Applicants must have been coaching and training the same team in a club/team environment with regular training sessions, and have competitive matches on a regular basis
- Applicants must have experience of coaching the same group of players for a full Netball season, within the past 3 years
- Applicants must have experience of coaching a variety of players at more than one element of the performance pathway, and at a variety of age groups
- Applicants must have attended (prior to completion of the course) a recognised Child protection/Duty of care training course
- Applicants must have attended (prior to completion of the course) a recognised Emergency 1st Aid course
- It is desirable for applicants to be IT literate, and have access to the web