North West Competition 2018/2019
- NW Premiership – successful teams will be contacted directly to confirm their entry.
- NW Champs – Div 1 – success teams will be contacted to confirm their entry.
- NW Champs - Div 2 – successful teams will be contacted to confirm their entry and we are now accepting applications to entry for Div 2 of the senior Champs competition. PLEASE COMPLETE FORM BELOW AND RETURN BY 15TH AUGUST 2018.
- NW Juniors – Manchester and Cheshire team to confirm their entry via entry sheet. Other counties to send in form by 15th August.
North West Competition 2017/2018
Official Documents
The home team is responsible for provide documentation to use during the match and send in the final result via the results sheet. During the game a running score sheet must be used alongside an umpire score card or a second running score sheet.
Please ensure the results sheets are clearly marked up and positions are put against each player.
The home team is responsible for provide documentation to use during the match and send in the final result via the results sheet. During the game a running score sheet must be used alongside an umpire score card or a second running score sheet.
Please ensure the results sheets are clearly marked up and positions are put against each player.
SCORE SUBMISSIONSWinning Team only to text as follows:
Text 07795 257837 with the following NW Prem or Champs or Juniors Date of Fixture Home Team and Score Away Team and Score Your Name |
Competition Frequently Asked Questions
NW Prem & Champs – who do I contact with any questions or queries?
You competition referees are Jane Moodie for Prem and Ashley Malloy for Champs. Please email both plus the [email protected] address. They will handle your queries first then bring to the NW technical support group team any issues as required.
New rules and scorers
You can download some guidance notes (see downloads above) for scorers which you may want to print out and keep with your match folder.
The score sheet is to be used during the match – a normal umpire score card can also be used in parallel.
Results must be registered on the results sheet – please ensure you put positions in the quarters played area.
Examples for score sheet & running order above – again put a copy in your match folder
Mary Slade is your umpiring contact for the region but please also contact your local county umpiring secretary for assistance and guidance on EN rules, scorers and umpiring.
The score sheet is to be used during the match – a normal umpire score card can also be used in parallel.
Results must be registered on the results sheet – please ensure you put positions in the quarters played area.
Examples for score sheet & running order above – again put a copy in your match folder
Mary Slade is your umpiring contact for the region but please also contact your local county umpiring secretary for assistance and guidance on EN rules, scorers and umpiring.
When does the registration form need to be in?
The player registration form needs to be emailed in as per the instructions on the website at least 3 days before the start of the league starting and then 2 days before the next match for any amendments – section 3 of rules. Please help us by saving your documents using your team names and updated version.
Can a player be registered for Prem team and Champs team?
Yes – see rule 3.4 – restrictions in play offs see 3.6 and how many quarters you can play see 3.8
Results sheets
Please register your result by text message and by emailing a copy of the results sheet to [email protected] as per section 8
How many players can be registered to take part in the NW regional league?
There is no limit to the number of players registered to play for a team in the NW regional league – match day – the limit is 12 as per the IFN rules.
Can a junior player be registered for U14 and U16?
No – a junior player can only play for one age group. An U16 however can be registered to play for a senior champs or prem team with the club keeping their CAPS duty of care in mind when playing this player.