Commercial Sector Specialist
Job Purpose:
To provide the commercial support to the NW RMB.
To provide the commercial support to the NW RMB.
- Be a full member of the Regional Management Board and in carrying out duties be at all times responsible to the Regional Management Board;
- Work together with the Management Board on carrying out the 4-year plan and England Netball 10-1-1 vision;
- Assist on long-term planning and outlining how decisions made will affect the long-term operation of the region;
- To support the RMB with identification of key commercial risks;
- To support the RMB with design and development of the commercial proposals;
- To develop sponsorshop packages and present these to appropriate commercial sector bodies;
- To oversee negotiations of any commercial sector partnerships/sponsorship agreements and ensure satisfactory delivery of these;
- To identify and apply for grant funding that will assist in the delivery of the agreed North West objectives;
- To liase with England Netball Commercial lead to ensure connectivity with the work of England Netball;
- To support the work of the NW Communications Technical Support Group (TSG).